Saturday, 6 December 2014

Ruddigore - the cast

You will have been waiting with bated breath for the names of the principals. Here they are:

  • Rose Maybud, that innocent flower of the village: Sally-Ann Gretton (Patience, Gianetta)
  • Mad Margaret, the demented scourge, Anna Scutt (Tessa)
  • Dame Hannah, the aged crone and wise woman, Linda Thomas (The Duchess of Plaza Toro)
  • Zorah, a leading bridesmaid, Jenny Jelbert making her debut solo with the Society
  • Sir Roderic, the duped brother and Bad Baronet of Ruddigore, Max Braga (Private Willis and occasional Grand Inquisitor)
  • Sir Ruthven/Robin, the disguised brother, Alan Russell (Guiseppe, Bunthorne ...)
  • Richard Dauntless, the sailor home from the sea, Terry Wall also making his debut with the Society
  • Sir Despard, the original Bad Baronet and hater of witches, Hugh Slater (Grand Inquisitor)
  • Old Adam, the faithful servant of young Robin, Steve Flavell (Shadbolt, Sergeant of Police)
All are ably assisted by understudies Rosslyn Vincent, Sally Collett and Jenny Braga plus some of the most ravishing bridesmaids it has ever been your pleasure to behold and some stalwart 'clumsy clodhoppers' and ancestors from the local village of Rederring.

We can hardly contain ourselves.