- Rose Maybud, that innocent flower of the village: Sally-Ann Gretton (Patience, Gianetta)
- Mad Margaret, the demented scourge, Anna Scutt (Tessa)
- Dame Hannah, the aged crone and wise woman, Linda Thomas (The Duchess of Plaza Toro)
- Zorah, a leading bridesmaid, Jenny Jelbert making her debut solo with the Society
- Sir Roderic, the duped brother and Bad Baronet of Ruddigore, Max Braga (Private Willis and occasional Grand Inquisitor)
- Sir Ruthven/Robin, the disguised brother, Alan Russell (Guiseppe, Bunthorne ...)
- Richard Dauntless, the sailor home from the sea, Terry Wall also making his debut with the Society
- Sir Despard, the original Bad Baronet and hater of witches, Hugh Slater (Grand Inquisitor)
- Old Adam, the faithful servant of young Robin, Steve Flavell (Shadbolt, Sergeant of Police)
We can hardly contain ourselves.