So Ruddigore is over. We have replaced the (grumpy) ghosts in their picture frames; the bridesmaids have gone off with a smile on their faces in search of other potential 'victims'; Richard is once more on the high seas and the Murgatroyds are sleeping peacefully in their vaults. 'Mad Margaret' is looking after her National School in Basingstoke, no doubt dreading the imminent arrival of Ofsted.
Our thoughts now turn to the mysterious and curious legislative systems of Japan which puts execution at the heart of the government's drive to improve the morals of the nation: to the considerable benefit of snicker-snee manufacturers. Such anti-austerity policies must be applauded.
But what is this I hear? No one can find a Nanki-Poo? We are missing a leading tenor? Oh horrors!
Oh what will become of Yum Yum (Yum, Yum)?
On this subject please don't be quite dumb (dumb, dumb)
There must be so many
Who'll sing for a penny
They must be good fish in the sea