Thursday, 7 May 2015

First performance - Lostwithiel

Our opening night looms. We bet Lostwithiel (Friday 8 May at 19:30 in the Community Centre) can hardly contain their excitement.

It will be wonderful relief from the tortured complexities of the politics of the last few days. Gilbert would have loved the political atmosphere of a modern campaign: lots of paradox and posturing just waiting for his ready wit.

Ruddigore is not short of its own complexities: a whole village of professional bridesmaids, a picture gallery of ghosts eager to see fair play, a jolly jack tar, a hidden identity, a beautiful - but distinctly naive and flighty - heroine, even a mad woman who believes that the word Basingstoke is redolent with hidden meaning. Only Gilbert could unlock the knot. Come and along and find out how.
Rose - who obeys her book of etiquette while being a little vague as to which man she should marry

A happy couple running a National School

Bridesmaids eagerly awaiting an appointment

Dame Hannah - don't mess with her

Mad Margaret - and our Producer

Old Adam - a former valet de chambre

The Musical Director

Richard Dauntless RN whose deadeyes are famous throughout the fleet

Robin Oakapple - but is he?

Roddy Doddy and Nannikins re-united

Sir Despard Murgatroyd

Sir Roderic Murgatroyd producing something painful

Sir Ruthven Murgatroyd
