Sunday, 15 December 2013

Leading Gondoliers

Those at the front of the gondola for our forthcoming production include:

  • Geoff Pope and Alan Russell (Bunthorne in Patience) as Marco and Guiseppe Palmieri
  • Sally Ann Gretton (Patience) as Gianetta, and Anna Scutt as Tessa; their adoring girlfriends/wives
  • Sandy Tyndale-Biscoe (The Duke - Patience) and Linda Thomas as the Duke and Duchess of Plaza-Toro
  • Jo Allford-Gretton as Casilda, their beautiful daughter betrothed in infancy to the Crown Prince of Barataria whose identity we cannot possibly reveal, other than to say that she is currently in love with ...
  • Luiz, played by Derek Rowse, the 'suite' and drummer boy to the Duke
  • Hugh Slater as Don Alhambra del Bolero, the Grand Inquisitor (whom nobody expects)
  • Hilary Pheonix as Inez, the nursemaid and foster-mother to the young prince and, coincidentally, mother to Luiz
  • ... and then there is that wonderful and ravishing chorus of Gondolieri, and Contadine dancing a cachuca or two  

And if that does not give away the plot then the leetle grey cells are not working hard enough.

Monday, 9 December 2013