Have you spotted:
The references to mediaevalism ... the Victorians were fascinated with the past. The Houses of Parliament were built in the 1830s, the same time as St Pancras station, in what we now regard as Victorian Gothic. The same style runs through the paintings of the Pre-Raphaelites (founded 1848). The love-sick maidens demand 'Early English' - the purist form of Gothic - out the Dragoons.
Bunthorne's poem makes little sense. Swinburne was often accused of using the word that sounded right for the verse rather than the word that made sense. It is yet another example of Gilbert's ability to parody others. Grosvenor's poem on the other hand, sounds like, and probably is, straight out of Gilbert's own Bab Ballads: a moral tale, tightly told.
And you had spotted, of course, that Grosvenor is the family name of the Dukes of Westminster who owns large chunks of ... Westminster including Grosvenor Square.